Pentagon falsification a number of measures [Islamic State], it is ...

The purpose of the original Self-Defense Forces is unknown ... Pentagon chief audit officer launched an investigation against the leadership of the ministry. Chief audit officer was carrying a suspicion that it would be officials found the result information of the [Islamic State] measures campaign of NATO has been tampered with. As a result, some of the headquarters from the data is the United States is the false information submitted society and the presidential office to the other, the fact that had exaggerated the success of the United States is discovered. Turkish deployment US fighter, the first time air strikes Islamic countries base for Syria, but citizens hit In Washington columnist of [Foreign Policy in Focus magazine, Mr. corn Harri Nan about this, the United States administration has pointed out that it is not trying to recognize that can lead to serious political consequences for the situation in the Middle East the United States. Harrinan said, the United States represents a view that has been hiding a lot about the fight against [Islamic State].