Syria: Islamic countries torture in the captive children of Kobani ...

The purpose of the original Self-Defense Forces is unknown ... (Istanbul) - town of the Syrian border Kobani: When the (Kurdish names Arab names Ai Al Arab) children born of Kurdish systems have tortured ill-treatment in detention under the extremist organization Islamic State (ISIS), today Human Rights Watch said. Children of people who himself has testified over details the suffering that you experience, had been months detention together with children of about 00 people. Witness our age-old to zero date, was abducted in the Islamic countries on the way home to other people of Kurdish boy and Kobani. According to reports of the Syrian Kurdish authorities and the mass media, the Islamic countries in October day, that was released at least among people. Human Rights Watch, after being released in the second half of the month, was individual interviews to the people of the boy who took refuge in Turkey in search of safety. People Among them, has been described in detail that when forced to show a video that reflects the state of the beheading executions and attacks by the hose or or repeatedly beaten with an electrical cord, the Islamic countries.