Cause to involve the general public [terrorism] is whether or not ...

The purpose of the original Self-Defense Forces is unknown ... In the United Kingdom Central Manchester, weekly from happening it is suicide terrorism that people, including several children were killed. The entire Europe, has been shrouded in fear [when not know where what happens]. Mei prime minister immediately after the terrorist attacks, announced that [because of the security strengthening, to mobilize the army to the security of major facilities]. In addition, such as stating that [there is a possibility to deploy soldiers at public events such as concerts and sports-related events], terror alert level has increased to the highest degree. Fear of terrorism is take away the freedom of the people Terrorism involving the general public, something to take away all the freedom of people's lives. During, and to go to the place where many people gather, might have also people think that is dangerous even to get out of the house. It and to go on a trip to Europe, will increase even reluctant people to emigrate. 00 date, the United States experienced the worst terrorist attacks in history has continued then the fight against terrorism for more than 0 years.